Author: Louisa Sugden

5 Top Tips for Buying Vintage In-Person in the UK

Introduction: Do you love buying vintage? In a world dominated by mass-produced, generic items, there’s a growing fascination with vintage and antique treasures that tell a unique story. The United Kingdom boasts a vibrant vintage scene, where enthusiasts can unearth hidden gems and embrace the charm of bygone eras. If you’re eager to embark on […]

Conquering Ground Elder: My 5-Year Success Story

Ground elder (Aegopodium podagraria) is an invasive weed that can quickly take over your garden, making it difficult to grow other plants. The plant spreads through its roots, which can travel deep into the soil and sprout new shoots, making it tough to eradicate. But don’t lose hope if you are dealing with ground elder […]

Gluten-Free Scones: Perfecting the Recipe and Exploring the History

Gluten-free scones are a delightful treat that you can relish at any time of the day, whether it’s breakfast, brunch, or afternoon tea. Baking warm, freshly made scones is an experience that’s hard to beat, and even if you have dietary restrictions, you can still enjoy this mouth-watering treat. With the right ingredients and recipe, […]

Making Renovation Decisions

Decision fatigue has set in and there are ongoing challenges in making renovation decisions. It’s a matter of heart versus head  Making renovation decisions can be so hard. I’ve mentioned this before but it’s just not easy trying to balance architectural authenticity, traditional and sustainable building methods, with the practicalities of modern day living. Every […]

Fava Fries Recipe

My Favourite Quick and Easy Gluten-free Lunch Recipe gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, vegetarian Fava fries recipe. Fava fries are currently my favourite quick and easy gluten-free lunch recipe. It’s such a quick and simple recipe to make, even on the busiest of days. This recipe was inspired by one of my favourite artisan bakers, in Norfolk. […]

Great Pubs of England

The Haunch of Venison, Salisbury, Wiltshire Continuing my Great Pubs of England series, let me remind you what I am doing:  Last year I spotted a new book on Instagram – Great Pubs of England by Horst A. Friedrichs and Stuart Husband. I was instantly drawn to the photography and pub interiors, and I knew […]

Gluten-free Cake – Parsnip Recipe

Gluten-free Parsnip Fruit and Nut Cake Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Vegetarian What are your first thoughts, if you think of a gluten-free cake – parsnip cake recipe, I won’t deny, I didn’t think favourably about it when I first heard of it. Who puts parsnips in a cake? Well, me apparently.  I was first introduced to […]

Gluten Free Pancake Recipe

Healthy buckwheat chocolate pancakes with chocolate avocado sauce Delicious, healthy gluten and dairy free pancake recipe.  Traditional British pancakes are a family favourite but finding a gluten and dairy free pancake recipe to score highly with my family has been a challenge. This recipe for healthy buckwheat chocolate pancakes with chocolate avocado sauce scores highly […]